Fatima Consecration | Call To Forgiveness (Day 7)
Mother Mary appeared in Fatima. What was her message? Welcome to Fatima Consecration, a 33 day preparation for Marian Consecration retreat. We are on day 7 of our journey to Jesus through Mary.
Sr Lucia writes, “The fifth call of the Message. “I ask Your pardon....”Immediately after the call to charity, the message speaks to us of forgiveness, asking us to ask God’s pardon for our brothers and sisters and also for ourselves; for those who do not believe and for those who do; for those who do not adore and for those who bow down in worship before God; for those who do not hope and for those who have every confidence; for those who do not love and for those who practice charity.”
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To learn more about "how to forgive someone" we created a 7 part series:
Sr Lucia continues,”The fact is that we all need to obtain God’s pardon for our lack of faith, which is often so fragile, for our hope which is often so weak, for our charity which is often so cold and insensitive, and for our adoration, which is often so languid. We ask pardon for those who do not believe, for those who do not adore, for those who do not hope and for those who do not love; and very often we ourselves are among this number!
For this reason, in what we call the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus Christ taught us to ask: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. (Mt. 6, 12,). As we see we cannot obtain God’s pardon unless we ourselves first forgive our brothers and sisters. It follows that we must not harbour resentment, ill will, dislike, and still less a desire to avenge any offence, whether great or small, that one or other of our neighbours, great or small may have committed against us. Our forgiveness must be generous, complete and self sacrificing, in the sense of over coming ourselves. It will be necessary to silence with in us the cry of revolt, to calm excited nerves, to keep a firm grasp on the reign of our temper and keep a lid on the heat on our wounded self love which, whether rightly or wrongly, feels bruised and irritated.
We hope you are blessed by this consecration through Mary series. More to come!